
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Even has DataTrees!

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Finally! Some competition. I was getting worried.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

It's open source, but technically still competition.

Even if it was as mature as Grasshopper, I'd say it would compete as much as Revit does with Rhino. There is some overlap, but mostly complement each other.


Maybe useful as a bridge between grasshopper and Revit.

Convert GH script to Dynamo to Revit....?

Could be powerful if you can also steer parameters inside a Revit family.

Should be integrated, but hey, autodesk... They might wake up. 





Yeah my friend in LA is developing it. Pretty neat!

It's not competition yet. What David has built with Grasshopper is beautiful. This is just my shameless attempt to duplicate and extend similar functionality to users of Revit. It's still way behind in terms of both functionality and usefullness. So nobody get too excited just yet :)

Looking at some of the screenshots it seems that interpreting basic primitive and geometry data types could be pretty simple between platforms.  A lot of the stuff that we do with gHowl is off the shelf .net stuff.  Maybe through some simple UDP we can get things talking.  You can take a look at all of the gHowl code on github.

Very brief movie of Dynamo changing a Revit 'Box' family instance parameter using Arduino photo-resistor data:


Other interesting Revit development using Python. Kind of like Yeti for Rhino.

DesignScript is also supposed to be open for integration into Revit.


OpenShapeFActory on OpenCascade


There are other visual programming tools in the games world. MS's Kodu, looks interesting. Kismet and Visual3d look even more interesting..... mainly because they are more 'interactive' or 'reactive', rather than DAG-based.


Seems like the evolution path for GH-similar apps is:

1. base 3d or CAD app based on C/C++ code.

2. Add scripting language interface

3. Add some kind of visual interface

4. Add graph sorting / propagation engine

5. Re-jig base 3d or CADD app to make managed/interpreted scripts run faster, multi-threaded.

6. Add dynamic typed language, DLR stuff

6. ....

6. Add constraints solver...?

7. Rebuild CAD display engine to be procedural at the GPU level?


Seems like there are available tools for converting scripts into some kind of flowchart. There are even visual debuggers. MS even has something called the 'Debugger Canvas'. Spreadsheet constraints.


Seems like the time is ripe for lots of new apps like GH.



why i can have the  Dynamo icon?i have installed it,anybody can answer it?by the way ,i use the  Dynamo can only use in revit2012?

What sort of generative model are you wishing to produce in Dynamo?

Not sure if you saw my announcement of my development of an IFC addon for Revit to permit exchange of Grasshopper generated BIM models.  More details at

It's still early stages of development, but I'm interested in prioritizing development for models that users propose.  FYI, my addon will be Revit 2012 or newer, I suspect the same for Dynamo but I haven't tried it.



I first found it on TheRevitKid channel (YT). I didn't pay attention then, just had no time, but then Michael Kilkelly PM-ed me with his article: What Is Dynamo and 5 Reasons You Should be Using It. Also: Dynamo doesn't allow to create buttons for the Revit ribbon, however, Dynamo Player may be used to create a library of scripts which may be accessible from Revit.

What is Dynamo and 5 reasons you should be using it with essay dune learn demo






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