
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Was wondering if anyone had any ideas how to select surfaces from one that has been split up to create a pattern? For example, a surface split by many lines, as discussed here:
I have the surface splitting as I want, and exploding the brep componants gives me a list of faces.
However, as the surface is subdivided in this manner there seems to be no logic to the order of the list. Sorting through via closest centrepoints won't work and I'm at a loss as to how to do this.

I want to take the resulting pieces and select in a checkered pattern such as Toyo Ito's Serpentine Pavillion, see the pic below. Can anyone help?

Views: 1821


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It's a nice result, but I think you've got some work in front of you if you want to capture the logic in a pure Grasshopper definition.

It's pretty closely related to the Curve Network filleting routine I've developed into StructDrawRhino, I just posted a new build with a patch calculating routine included if you're interested.


Thanks Jon, I'll give it go and let you know how I went.
Hi Jon,
Would there be a way to also get the edge elements as a set of cells ?
Maybe in a different output (edge patch) ?
Many thanks,
have you managed to create a form like serpentine pavillion?? i'm also trying to do sth like it so if u can share your progress, it can be useful for me..
Meraba Gul,

Have a look at this thread, the file is there too:

You still need to ask Jon for a geometry gym license which is free for students.


thanks for your help Arthur=)
hi ,
ıt is really nice work and i need to know how did you do in grasshopper ? i need to how you did these lines and solid void relationship i want to use this logic for creating solid masses in the site and voids for landscape.ıt is helpful for my project :)






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