
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Grasshoppers.

I'd like to use a polyline as a GraphMapper curve, like this:

I would like to check the Y value of the polyline at regular X-intervals.


I could create a bunch of lines and intersect them with the polyline to get points, but is there a more "mathematical" way? Evaluate curve wouldn't work because then it wouldn't be even steps along the X-axes.

Any ideas?


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You could draw a curve on a reparameterized surface and use sliders to allow dynamic remapping of the domain.


Something a little more sophisticated than this:

Thanks Taz,

I'm afraid I don't really get it though.

The definition uses Divide Curve, but that will give me points that are spaced evenly along the curve (not along the x-axes).

And why does it need to be remapped to a surface?

Could you please help me understand?


More like this...

You're right, you don't really need to remap to a surface, it's just handy to show something to draw on. 


I try to mimic similar inputs for the Graph Mapper. Here is the Custom Graph Mapper:


Here is a much simpler version by using a curve on a reparameterized surface, similar to what taz mentioned. You need to remap the number domains, though -- they are all in 0...1 now.


June-Hao Hou,

I've put your definition inside a User Object, for easy pull-down from the Componets Panel (User tab). I put your name in as "author". Thanks again! (UPDATED bug fix with domain remap).



cheers! very helpful

Thanks taz and June-Hao Hou!
All three versions seem to work just like I wanted.
Thank you very much for helping me with this one!
The only downside is that when I move the control points in the Rhino window, Grasshopper doesn't update until I release the mouse button. In GH GraphMappers the geometry updates momentarily.
Is there a way to make GH respond more directly or do I need to construct the polyline in GH?

Er, that's one for the Mr. Rutten department...


You could move each point or vertex with an [MD Slider] (change the domain and input as a vector to [Move]) but that might be a bit tedious.

taz, I tried moving vertexes with MD-sliders here:

It works, sort of. I also made a video here.






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