
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello fellow Grasshoppers,


I have been recently experimenting with the catenary component.


When I loft the catenary curves the list is out of order. It lofts correctly through half of the curves and then starts at the opposite end of the remaining list. This creates a pinching effect which is nice but uncontrolled and a brep instead of a surface.Catenary_Study_Help.ghx

Any suggestions would be very helpful.


I have tried creating list items for each curve and then lofting in correct order which gives desired results. But when alocating the command to multiple curves in a series the results are not consistent. This is all the case when  I split the list and reverse it and then merge.


I'm not sure of other options. Thanks in advance for your time.



Views: 4646

Replies to This Discussion

check out this one
Little modi.



Both very helpful.



This is a list question.


 I'm trying to mirror those curves and then reorganize them within the list to loft. I am able to mirror the curves. The list maintain their structure but become more complex. Resulting in them being unable to loft.




Thanks, that is definitly one way to do it but I'm trying to loft without the seam in the middle that is created from the mirror. Thanks for the help.



Hi Matt,


I think you've actually got the wrong end of the stick here. The curves do not need reordering just the ones in the domain PI/2 to 3PI/4 need their direction changing. I think there is a Bug in the catenary component that is causing this odd behaviour. 


Have a look at this thread where Nick had the same problem.

Solution attached.




Thanks. Would you post that thread?



Thanks. I'll keep an eye out to see how it develops.



I got it nevermind. I recreated the catenary making one curve and then lofting it.

Thanks again.








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