
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear users,

in a couple of weeks I'm giving a lecture at the AAG10 conference and I'll be talking about Galapagos. Instead of a set of hypothetical scenarios I'd much prefer to show actual cases where Galapagos is used to solve a problem.

Of course I realise that in the current state Galapagos leaves much to be desired. Wishes have been pouring in since it was first included and I have every intention of working on these in the upcoming week(s). So if you run into problems trying to apply Galapagos please post them in this thread and I'll see about getting it fixed/added.

I talk about some of the behind-the-scenes algorithms that drive Galapagos in this post. It might be a good starting point if you want to learn a bit more about the details.


David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 8517

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Here's one of my test drives - Galapagos tries to find a simplified "medial curve" between two given curves: (the gray underlay is just the voronoi method used for comparison)

While it's not very efficient and not at all useful, what I think you might find interesting is the "bonus for high fitness" concept, which highly improves the speed of the solution:
By applying a power/exponential function to the fitness parameter you make Galapagos favour "the best of the fittest".
Hi there,
David thanks for your briliant software! If you're intrested (and if I can find the time) I could try to fix my little Hull Tuner that moves control points and waterplane to fit a bunch of target values (Imersed vol, prismaic coef, position of main area section...), minimize wet srf and maximize stability.
It's very very slow and I have to change the way and order points are moved to get better results, so there's some work to do. What's your deadline?
About ftness, it's always difficult to find the right rating formula, so that one factor won't "over rule" another. Or does... From my experience I'm not sure the power exponential really boosts the thing, although it's more satisfying to watch high fitness variations rather than small digits changes far to the right.
If you have the time I'd love to see it. My deadline would friday I suppose. I'm hoping to release an improved Galapagos today or tomorrow, though it's mostly improved UI, not so much improved performance.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Rhaa! 1AM !! See what you're doing to me?! I'm going to bed, we'll see in the morning if it was worth it ...
Looks exciting. Good night :)

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi Dave and everyone!

Sorry I couldn't finish my hull tuner def, I've been changing jobs and cities twice since my last post...

But now, thanks to you, I'm back to Paris where I have an oportunity to work with Wilmotte on the Nice Eco Stadium. Hopefully they'll be hooked to grasshopper and galapagos for the next decade. Praise you!

This is a part of the quick demo I made. It's not very elaborate but it did the job (they called me back the next day!)
Cheers, keep it up and thanks again!

"Hopefully they'll be hooked to grasshopper and galapagos for the next decade."

How did you manage this?! I wouldn't mind that at all. I actually feel like a sentient life-form when I use grasshopper/galapagos versus AutoCAD drudgery.

EDIT: just checked out the def. This blows my mind. I love it.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Hi there,

Yeap I'm all lost again. Since yesterday I've been playing with Galapagos, without any success of understanding it (manipulating geometry)...I've tried some examples out there, It looks promising...I guess I need more time and literature as well Any instructions on the way David?

thank you

literature:good word...which one?
thanks a lot!!!!
Again, just a small contribution, but maybe someone will find this interesting:

Galapagos is used to find a path from A to B on "topography" (sloped surface).
There are two fitness criteria: the average slope and the length of the path. You can decide which is more important by applying different power functions to each of them:

If you add the transverse slope as the third criteria, Galapagos will help you find an optimal route through a montanious terrain:

One of the possible applications of this method is discussed here.
I love these path finding solutions Jacek.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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